Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fountain

Image result for the fountainTranscend time and space in a quest for one couples search to discover the meaning and purpose of death in this mortal existence we call life. Darren Aronofsky has done it again, with his uncanny ability to weave intricate story lines defying conventional means of wrapping ones self completely in, and around the emotions and deep thoughts of his characters, leaving past, present and future to be defined simply as the means and not the path by which all the great unanswerable questions can be easily unraveled and ultimately be understood.
Hugh Jackman (Tom) a conquistador in the past searching for the tree of life, a modern day scientist seeking a cure for brain tumors and a futuristic astronaut seeking the dying star thought to be an Ancient Mayan afterlife, desires one thing, to destroy death before it destroys his beloved wife Rachel Weiss (Izzi). Again Aronofsky captures human emotion in such climactic and cinematic brilliance that I cannot describe. A definitive 10 out of 10 all around.
Is Death something we should fear or embrace…decide for yourself as you whined yourself through, myth, legend and modern science in The Fountain! If you like this film watch Stanley kubricks 2001: Space Odyssey or Aronofsky’s PI.