Friday, April 28, 2006


We live in a world today that is so unaquainted with the realities of life. The media seems to control the masses telling us what is right or wrong, telling us what is cool or uncool. Creating a false sence of what the reality*tty hollywood producers, directors and writers take advantage of the ignorance that exists by selling us the same crappy, predictable "over the counter" type movies. Same plot, differant actor/actress over and over again. Ocassionally we see something that catches the mind off gaurd forces us to think...but how often anymore are theaters playing what anyone wants to see? I do agree that there is a place for movies that strictly entertain but how many times do we have to see a guy get hit in the groin before it gets boring...i'm bored this is a shout out to anyone who wants a movie to move them, make them think, make them laugh without see the same old boring stale comedy that is being pumped out of hollywood, the same predictable action or dramatic story...who really wants to go see Mission Impossible III...really!
This Blogger is dedicated to anyone who loves movies...real movies...movies that a person can sit down and watch over again and come away with a new perception of what they just watched was all about...and it doesn't always have to be about something...because nothing can be just as interesting...only let it be something that makes you think more...not many times have you walked out of a theater wishing that you had your 7 bucks and 2hours of your life back. I know i'm not the only one!


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